
Since 2009, it has been the goal of every member of our team to gain insightinto the client’s business needs, spare them the trouble of managing the development process, and deliver high-quality mobile apps with outstanding design on schedule.

Since 2009, it has been the goal of every member of our team to gain insightinto the client’s business needs, spare them the trouble of managing the development process, and deliver high-quality mobile apps with outstanding design on schedule.

A successful advertising agency are looking for a highly creative senior motion graphics designer to join a team of talented designers.

The Role

Utilising your inspiring ideas, great conceptual eye and attention to detail, you will be producing beautiful design and animation for the company’s output, developing projects from conception through to completion.

The Candidate

  • A good knowledge of Cinema 4D, After Effects, Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator is essential.
  • Experience with music commercials would be an advantage but not essential.
  • You must be able to successfully communicate your ideas to senior managers and clients, and be happy to work across a range of projects to pressured deadlines.

The Rewards

An attractive salary is available to the successful candidate.


Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

A successful advertising agency are looking for a highly creative senior motion graphics designer to join a team of talented designers.

The Role

Utilising your inspiring ideas, great conceptual eye and attention to detail, you will be producing beautiful design and animation for the company’s output, developing projects from conception through to completion.

The Candidate

  • A good knowledge of Cinema 4D, After Effects, Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator is essential.
  • Experience with music commercials would be an advantage but not essential.
  • You must be able to successfully communicate your ideas to senior managers and clients, and be happy to work across a range of projects to pressured deadlines.

The Rewards

An attractive salary is available to the successful candidate.


Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

A successful advertising agency are looking for a highly creative senior motion graphics designer to join a team of talented designers.

The Role

Utilising your inspiring ideas, great conceptual eye and attention to detail, you will be producing beautiful design and animation for the company’s output, developing projects from conception through to completion.

The Candidate

  • A good knowledge of Cinema 4D, After Effects, Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator is essential.
  • Experience with music commercials would be an advantage but not essential.
  • You must be able to successfully communicate your ideas to senior managers and clients, and be happy to work across a range of projects to pressured deadlines.

The Rewards

An attractive salary is available to the successful candidate.


Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

A successful advertising agency are looking for a highly creative senior motion graphics designer to join a team of talented designers.

The Role

Utilising your inspiring ideas, great conceptual eye and attention to detail, you will be producing beautiful design and animation for the company’s output, developing projects from conception through to completion.

The Candidate

  • A good knowledge of Cinema 4D, After Effects, Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator is essential.
  • Experience with music commercials would be an advantage but not essential.
  • You must be able to successfully communicate your ideas to senior managers and clients, and be happy to work across a range of projects to pressured deadlines.

The Rewards

An attractive salary is available to the successful candidate.


Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

A successful advertising agency are looking for a highly creative senior motion graphics designer to join a team of talented designers.

The Role

Utilising your inspiring ideas, great conceptual eye and attention to detail, you will be producing beautiful design and animation for the company’s output, developing projects from conception through to completion.

The Candidate

  • A good knowledge of Cinema 4D, After Effects, Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator is essential.
  • Experience with music commercials would be an advantage but not essential.
  • You must be able to successfully communicate your ideas to senior managers and clients, and be happy to work across a range of projects to pressured deadlines.

The Rewards

An attractive salary is available to the successful candidate.


Fel: Kontaktformulär hittades inte.

Press och media

Cision News Cision is the leading global provider of media research, distribution, monitoring and evaluation services. With over 40 locations throughout the world, Cision provides the insight, expertise and intelligence that improve performance and build reputations.

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